Evening Makhtab
Evening Makhtab (Mon-Wednesday: 7:00-9:00 PM): Age group 6 – 15 years
- Learning to read Arabic with proper Tazweed and memorize Quran
- Discussion on hadith with their Context, Perspective and Application
- Stories of Prophets and applying the lessons in our lives.
Islamic Studies
Weekend Islamic Studies Class

We are starting Islamic curriculum based classes. We thank you for
giving us opportunity for educating you children with the proper knowledge of aqaaid, akhlaq, fiqh, seerah and daily duas. As you may know the successful operation and progress of any educational facility requires some ground rules and financial cooperation. Therefore, we have prepared the following guidelines and terms for our registered students and their respected guardians:
1. Students are required to be punctual in accordance to the given time table.
2. In case of an absence/late/early leave, student must present a note with reachable phone no. on the note.
3. Students should be dressed according to the sanctity of Muslim.
4. Any concern with student, teacher will appoint a meeting with the parents and parents should attend the meeting.
5. All parents should contact teacher at least once a month to know regarding their child’s progress.
6. If the parents have any concern regarding the appointed teacher, please contact NICE management to resolve the issue due diligently.
7. The tuition fee will continue during student/teacher vacation.
8. If for any reason you decide to withdraw your child from the class, please let the management know in advance.
9. Your feedback regarding the quality of education will be highly appreciated.
Senior Class
Grade 6 or Age 11 PlusSubjects taken by Juniors and Senior Hadith (selections from 40 hadith of imam Nawawi)
- One hadith per week starting with “actions are based on intentions”
- Explanation provided by Hafiz Umar (context / perspective / application)
- This is expected to take 15 mins at the beginning of each class
Juzz Amma (meanings of surahs from the 30th juzz / para)
- Existing students (5) to be kept in one class as they are at the same level and have achieved shared progress based on previous semesters attendance
- New students to begin with surah fatiha and the last 10 surahs
- Students will learn correct recitation (tajweed / pronunciation) + meanings of these surahs (reason for revelation + practical steps towards application)
- Students will be split into junior and senior groups if enough registrations are achieved
- This class will run for 45 mins
Note : The table below represents a schedule for potential new students
Existing Students (bellow)expected to memorize the surahs listed bellow (in terms of
meanings and tafseer , these existing students may potentially study the life of prophet Yusuf
from the Quran)
Islamic Studies for Seniors(essential deen studies for Canadian teens)
- Course designed for students aged 12-17
- Previously enrolled Junior students may be given the option of moving up to the senior level for this course (if they meet the expectations of teachers)
- This class will run for 45 minutes
JazakAllahu Khairan
Junior Class
Grade 3 or Age 8 Years PlusSubjects taken by Juniors and Senior Hadith (selections from 40 hadith of imam Nawawi)
- One hadith per week starting with “actions are based on intentions”
- Explanation provided by Hafiz Umar (context / perspective / application)
- This is expected to take 15 mins at the beginning of each class
Juzz Amma (meanings of surahs from the 30th juzz / para)
- Existing students (5) to be kept in one class as they are at the same level and have achieved shared progress based on previous semesters attendance
- New students to begin with surah fatiha and the last 10 surahs
- Students will learn correct recitation (tajweed / pronunciation) + meanings of these surahs (reason for revelation + practical steps towards application)
- Students will be split into junior and senior groups if enough registrations are achieved
- This class will run for 45 mins
Note : The table below represents a schedule for potential new students
Existing Students (bellow)expected to memorize the surahs listed bellow (in terms of
meanings and tafseer , these existing students may potentially study the life of prophet Yusuf
from the Quran)
Islamic Studies for Juniors(building foundations in religious understanding)
- Open for registration for children up to 11 years old
- This class will run for 45 mins
JazakAllahu Khairan